Dig Dug Mini Digging


A Ticket of Work (TOW) will allow Dig Dug to supply materials and labour at no cost to the builder as before, i.e. conduit, cables, fit off, pit/pole entries/connections etc.

Prior 19/11/2013 - Dig Dug could register an address - this service has been withdrawn by Telstra - and only the owner can request a new TOW.

This TOW gives Dig Dug authorisation to complete the work. Any network shortfall will also be completed too - (within certain guidelines) - otherwise a network extension will be lodged with Telstra.

How a TOW is generated

1) The owner/customer calls Telstra on 13 22 00 and asks for a 'New Phone Line".
2) Request your FNN (Full National Number) - this is your new phone number
3) Request an AXIS order number. This is an internal number unique to your order (sometimes the operator will tell you they cannot generate this AXIS order - ask them for the 'Order number' instead).
4) Use the Submit Form to email the details to Dig Dug - we will then have a valid TOW issued to us, and we will help you through the process of getting connected to the network.

How Dig Dug can help

Dig Dug has access to Telstra's mapping data base - Dig Dug can provide details of where the Network-Point-of-Presence (NPOP) is, for trenches to be dug to.

Once the details have been submitted to Dig Dug - the job (TOW) will be issued from Telstra to Dig Dug and we will be in contact.

Dig Dug is currently managing nearly every TOW within the Canberra area - both urban and rural. Lodging the TOW with the Submit form will speed up the process significantly.